Thursday, April 15, 2010

fun with buddies ♥

this few days, captured many photo in school. keke  =]
with all my sweet buddies ♥

ate sushi with wei, wen, ben, and hsuan.
2bucks per plates.  member day.
=]  yummy. thumb up.

妈说不好的预兆   =[
挑了两天咯。 我的天!

arg~~~  school was canceled ujian pertengahan tahun.
wuwuwu. teacher will take ujian dianogstik marks write in report card.
ag~~ i dint hv try my effort to study in this time ah  =[
sob.  sigh
i wanna be a nerd.
study hard, play X hard.   =[  =]
night  ♥

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